
What does arno mean
What does arno mean

what does arno mean

These verses then tell us what our Lord makes known in this chapter, namely “the mysteries of the kingdom of the heavens” - “Things uttered, which were hidden from the world’s foundation.” Let us notice, first of all, two verses in this chapter “Because to you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of the heavens, but to them it is not given” ( Matthew 13:11 ) “All these things Jesus spoke to the crowds in parables, and without a parable He did not speak to them, so that it might be fulfilled which was spoken through the prophets saying, I will open my mouth in parables I will utter things hidden from the world’s foundation” ( Matthew 13:34-35 ). Let us then carefully and prayerfully look into the chapter before us, and may our Lord give His blessing and while the many may reject what we teach from these parables it may be a few receive light through the entrance of His Word, and may all believers in these truths be strengthened. We have found in our experience, that it is hard to get the individual believer, brought up in these wrong conceptions, to see the true meaning and often the testimony given is rejected. The professing mass continues, and will continue, with the majority of those who are not merely outward professors, to build upon the misinterpretation of our Lord’s parables the optimistic dreams of the enlargement of the church, the foreshadowing of the universal extension of the church and the continued good work of the leaven in the three measures of meal, etc. But one almost despairs of seeing the true meaning of the mystery of the kingdom in Matthew 13:1-58 believed in Christendom. We have often said if this one chapter would be rightly understood by the professing church, the consequences would be the most far-reaching. For any believer to turn to these for light and instruction will only result in getting thoroughly confused.

what does arno mean

The whole chapter has been, so to speak, turned upside down by most of the learned commentators of Christendom. Precisely that which our Lord did not mean has been read into this chapter. It demands, therefore, our closest attention, and this more so because the revelation which our Lord gives here, the unfolding of the mysteries of the kingdom of the heavens, has been and still is grossly misunderstood and falsely interpreted. We have now reached one of the most important chapters in this Gospel. Rejected in His Own Country.( Matthew 13:53-58. The Parable of the Treasure in the Field. The Parable of the Good Seed and of the Tares Explained.( Matthew 13:36-42. The Parable of the Mustard Seed.( Matthew 13:31-32. The Parable of the Good Seed and the Tares. The Question of the Disciples and His Answer.

what does arno mean what does arno mean

The Rejected Kingdom and the Rejected King.

What does arno mean